Sister Willibalda Giesbers(CPS) (1954-1976)
The first formatter of the Congregation was Sister Willibalda Giesbers (CPS) supported by Sister Ambrosis Moellers formed the Congregation From
Read more.Sister Inviolata Mndeme (1976-1988)
Normally it takes six years of leadership and one can be elected for another six years the first native mother superior
Read more.Sister Maura Kimaryo (1988-2000)
September in nineteen eight eight (1988) up to two thousand (2000) the Congregation was led by Sister Maura Kimaryo as
Read more.Sister Leonia Mdoe (2000-2012)
From September in the year two thousand (2000) up to two thousand and twelve (2012) Sister Leonia Mdoe was the Superior
Read more.Sister Gaspara Kashamba (2012 to date)
Since two thousand and twelve (2012) Sr. Gaspara Kashamba became the Superior General of the Congregation.
Read more.Brief History of Congregation
The Congregation of the Usambara Sisters was found in 1954 by Monsignor Eugen Arthurs of the Rosminian Congregation who then became the first Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tanga in 1958.
The Precious Blood Sisters were the formatter of the Congregation where by Sister Willibalda Giesbers was the leader of the formation team. READ MORE
The Usambara Sisters were found by Monsignor Eugen Arthurs a member of the Rosminian Congregation who then became the first Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tanga
The first formatter of the Congregation was Sister Willibalda Giesbers (CPS) supported by Sister Ambrosis Moellers formed the Congregation From 1954 to 1976 thereafter, she went back to her own Congregation
The Congregation was found up in the Usambara Mountains at the village of Rangwi which is about two thousand (2,000) meters above the sea level.
The charism of the Congregation is spread the good news through teaching religion,
education starting from Kindergarten Primary schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges, Universities and conducting seminars to young people.
soul with that same thirst of our Lord Jesus Christ. “The harvest is rich but the laborers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest” Guided by that teaching we shall be able to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to exercise the work of the apostolate as directed by our Constitutions.
The apostolate of all religious consists primarily in thee. The sisters should witness of their consecrated life participate, with all their strength of mind, body and soul with that same thirst of our Lord Jesus Christ. “The harvest is rich but the laborers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest” Guided by that teaching we shall be able to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to sanctify to exercise the work of the apostolate as directed by our Constitutions.